31 Ocak 2015 Cumartesi

Sam Bali Tatlisi / SAMBALI DESERT

 Merhaba  Izmir'li  olupda  Sambali tatlisini bilmeyen yoktur  herhalde. Annem  bu  tatlinin tarifini ilk  radyodan  duymustu. Komsumuz  Zeynep  teyzeye  anlatiyordu.  Radyoda  sambali tarifi  verdiler,  yarin yapalim mi beraber  dedigini  hala  hatirliyorum .
Ertesi gun malzemeler  alindi  ,bir bakir tepside  karistirildi  uzerine  fistiklar  ozenle  dizildi ve  belediyenin  ekmek  firinina  goturuldu .
Eve gelir gelmez  uzerine  surup  dokuldu. Kucuk  oldugum icin annemin yanindan ayrilmiyordum  O kucucuk aklimla herseyi  hafizama  kaydetmisim .  Nerden bilirdim gunun birinde  bu tatliyi  yapip  tarifini  yayinlayacagimi.  Inanin annemin  o radyodaki tarifi   anlatisini  hic unutmadim .
Tarih  tekkerrurden  ibaret  derler .  40  yil sonra  ayni tatliyi ben  de  yaptim.

2,5  bardak  irmik
2,5 bardak   yogurt
2,5 bardak  seker
1    paket    kabartma tozu
1    paket   vanilya
1   bardak  fistik
Surup icin

2,5  bardak   seker
2,5  bardak   su
yarim  limon suyu

~~~  YAPILISI~~~

Derin  bir karistirma kabina  Irmik  , yogurt, seker  , vanilya  va  kabartma tozunu  alip  hepsini  guzelce  karistiriyoruz. Yaglanmis firin kabina  karisimi  dokuyoruz . Uzerini duzelttigimiz  tatlimizin uzerine  fistiklari  diziyoruz . Tatlimizi  bir bicakla  dilimliyoruz.  Firina  koymadan once  mutlaka  dilimleyin.
Onceden  isitigimiz  200 C  yada  350 F'de  firinda  kizarincaya  dek  yaklasik  yarim saat  pisiriyoruz.
Tatlimiz  piserken  surubunu  hazirliyoruz.  Sekeri  suyu  bir  kapta  kaynatiyoruz  kaynayinca  limon suyunu  ekliyoruz  3  dakika  daha kaynayinca  altini kapatiyoruz.
Firindan cikan  tatlimizi  biraz  sogusun diye  bekletiyoruz  surubumuzda  ilisinca  tatlimizin uzerine esit  sekilde   dokuyoruz. Bir  gece  dinlenen tatlimiz  servise hazir  .
Afiyet  olsun .


If you from Izmir, there is no way you don’t now Sambali. My mom heard this recipe first on radio. Aunt She was telling it to aunt Zeynep. I still remember her voice saying “ I heard a recipe on radio named Sambali, shall we do it together tomorrow?”.
Next day, all the ingredients were bought, mixed on a copper pan, peanuts were lined up carefully, and we took it to municipal bakery house to cook.
As soon as we brought it to home, syrup was added. Since I was a child, I was with the mom always. I recorded all details into my little brain. I would not know that one day I will cook it and share the recipe. Believe or not, I cannot forget  how my mom was explaining the recipe she heard on radio. Pro-word quotes “History repeats itself”. I did the same desert forty years later. Cheers.


2.5 cups semolina
2.5 cups plain yogurt
2.5 cups sugar
1 pk. Baking powder
1 pk. Vanilla
1 cup peanuts
For syrup:
2.5 cups sugar
2.5 cups water
Half of a lemon juice
In a deep pan, mix semolina, yogurt, sugar, vanilla and baking powder. Pour into pre oiled baking pan. Level nicely and line up the peanuts as you desire. Cut the dough with a knife for cubic (or your shape) shapes. Pre heat oven to 350 F (200 C) degrees and cook it for half an hour or top color is light brown.
While it is cooking in oven, prepare the syrup. Add water, sugar and when boiled, add lemon juice. Boil another three minutes and turn the heat off.
Rest the desert when you it is cooked and let it to cool down. Add thee syrup when it is warm onto desert. Let it rest over a night, and it is ready to be served.


30 Ocak 2015 Cuma

Tarcinli Cevizli Kek / WALNUT CINNAMON CAKE

 Merhaba  herkese.  Ocak  ayi bitti bitecek . Bayagi  soguk oldu  heryerde. Soguk  arkasindan  gripleri  usutmeleride  getirdi .  Bloglarda  eskisi kadar  paylasimlarda  bulunmuyorlarmi  banami oyle geldibilmiyorum. Bunun  sebebinin birininde  kis ve soguklar  oldugunu  dusunuyorum ben.
Bende  cok yazamiyorum malesef.  Gundelik kosusturmalar bloga  cok yazmami engelliyor.
Neyse  umarim daha cok paylasimlarda bulunurum .
Bugun kis  gunlerine  cok yakisin  mis gibi bir kek tarifi  paylasacagim  sizlerle.
Cayin yanina , kahvenin yanina cok yakisiyor  bu kek.
  Tarcinli cevizli  kekimizden  yapin,  kis gunlerininde  mis gibi  tadini cikarin .

4  Yumurta
1  Su bardagi  sut
1  Su bardagi  seker
1  Subardagi  siviyag
1  Subardagi  cekilmis  ceviz
2, 5   Su bardagu un
1  Paket  kabartma tozu
1  Paket vanilya
1  Corba kasigi  tarcin

Once  yumurtalari  sekerle iyice  cirpiyoruz. Seker  eriyinceye  kadar.
Seker  eriyince  , sut  ve  siviyagi ekliyoruz hafif  cirpiyoruz  yine.
Unu,  vanilyayi, tarcini  ve  kabartma tozunu  karistirip eliyoruz.
Eledigimiz  kuru  malzemeleri  sivi malzemeye  yavas yavas  ilave  ediyrouz.
En son  Cevizin  icersine  1  corba kasigi  un  ekleyip  unla cevizi  harmanliyoruz.
Kekimize  cevizide  ilave edip  cok cirpmadan   karistiriyoruz.
Yaglanmis  ve  unlanmis  kek  kalibina  kekimizi  dokup  hizlica  bir iki defa  tezgaha  vuruyoruz.
Oncaden  istilmis  200  C  yada 350 F  firinda  yaklasik  25 ,  30  dakika  pisiriyoruz.
Kurdan  testi yapip  kurdan temiz  cikinca  kekimizi  firindan  cikariyrouz.
Afiyet  olsun .


Hi everyone,
January is almost over. It is cold everywhere. Cold brought the flu too. I am not sure if there is not much share on blogs or it is me only. I think it is due to the cold weather.
I could not add enough either. Daily activities are keeping me too buy to work on blog. I am hoping to share more on my blog form now on.
Today I would like to share a recipe that goes along with winter days. It fits perfectly with a cup of tea.
Cook this recipe and enjoy the cold winter days.
4 eggs
1 cup milk
1 cup sugar
1 cup vegetable oil
1 cup crushed walnut
2.5 cups flour
1 pk. Baking powder
1 pk. Vanilla
1 tbs. cinnamon
Whip the eggs with sugar until the sugar is well blended. Once the sugar is melted, add milk and oil slowly and continue to whip.
Mix vanilla, flour, cinnamon and baking powder and sift the mixture. Add the mixture slowly while whipping. Finally add one tbs. flour into walnut mix roughly and add into dough. DO not whi to much, just roughly.
Pout the dough into pre-oiled cooking pan, and hit the pan onto counter top few times. Pre heat the oven 305 F (200 C), and cook it 25-30 minutes. Check the center with toothpick. If the toothpick comes clear, it is cooked.

28 Ocak 2015 Çarşamba


Merhaba  Guzel bir hafta  mutluluk  dolu yarinlar  dileyip  hemen  tarifimi yazmak istiyorum.
Bugun ku  tarifimiz  Etli Kara Lahana Sarmasi. Ben  Egeli  oldugumdan  kara lahanayi  cok bilmezdik biz.
Beyaz  lahanadan  asma  yapragindan  yapilirdi bizde  sarmalar.  Zaman la insan  bircok sey ogreniyor.
Sadece  karalahana yi ogrenmedim , soyle bir zihnimi yokladimda, ebegomeci  yapragindan  da yapmisim ben bir defasinda. Sonra  pazir  da  sarmistim . Yesil  Fasulye nin yapragindan yapmisti bir arkadasim .
Malatya  yoresinde  kiraz  yapragindan  sarma yapildigini  da duymustum.
Sarmalar  hakkinda bir arastirma yapsak  kim bilir  neler  cikar karsimiza.
Soz de  lafi uzatmiyacaktim Sarmanin tarihcesine  girmeye dogru  yol aldim birden  :).
Zaten  arayi iyice  uzatiyorum  bari  lafi uzatmiyayim degilmi.
Karalahana  Sarmasi icin ,,

      ~~ MALZEMELER~~
3 demet karalahana
500 gr. kiyma
2 sogan
1 kahve fincani pirinc
1/2 demet maydanoz
3 yemek kasigi domates salcasi
 Bir trk kahva fincani yag 

1  cay kasigi  kimyon
1  cay kasigi  kurunane
1  cay  kasigi  kirmizi toz biber
tuz karabiber


 Karalahanalar saplarindan ayrilir.Kaynar suda 4-5 dakika haslanir.Soguk suya tutulup suyu suzulur.
 Bir kabin icine ince kiyilmis sogan, kiyma,maydanoz,pirinc,2 yemek kasigidomates salcasi,tuz,karabiber kimyon , nane , toz  kirmizi biber ve 1/2 bardak su katilip iyice karistirilir.
 Lahana yapraklari acilip icine bir miktar ic konulup sarilarak kucuk dolmalar yapilir.
 Dolmalari  tencereye  siralayip bir  kucuk  tencerede  yagi  geri kalan domates salcasi ve  2 su bardagi  suyu  koyu salca ezilene kadar  karistirlir .  Hazirladigimiz  salcali suyu  tenceredeki  dolmalarimizin ozerine  eklenir. Yapraklar yumusayincaya kadar pisirilir.


I wish you nice week and happy future. Today’s recipe is meat stuffed collard green rolls. Since I am from Aegean region of Turkey, I did not know this collard green. Mostly did the rolls from regular cabbage leaf. We learn by the time. When I queried my memory, I remember doing it not only from cabbage leaf, but also from ebegomeci leaf (wild grown green specific to our region). One of my friend used green bean leaf. I heard people of Malatya use apricot leaf. If do a research about rolls, I can’t imagine what we come across. Let’s cut it short and go to recipe.
3 bunch of collard green
1 lb. ground meat.
2 onion
1/3 cup rice
½ bunch parsley
3 tbs. tomato paste
1/3 cup oil
1 tsp. Cumin
1 tsp. dry mint
1 tsp. ground red pepper
Separate the collards greens from hard cores. Drop into boiling water and keep in 4-5 minutes. Drop them to cold water and drain the water. In a deep cup, mix the finely chopped onion, meat,parsley,2 tbs. paste, salt, black pepper, cumin, mint, red pepper, and ½ cup water. Open up the leaf and drop small amount of mixture, and roll it. Make sure you close the sides first and roll. Put them into a cooking pan. In a small pan, dilute the remaining paste with 2 cups of water and add into rolls. Cook them until the skin of the rolls are soft.

6 Ocak 2015 Salı

Yeni yilin ilk yazisi./FIRST POST OF THE YEAR

Merhaba tum  bloger dostlarima , takipcilere, arkadaslara  ,kardeslere ve kabinde iyiniyet tasiyan herkese .  Esimin  amaliyati  derken  Christmas  derken Yil basi  derken  Yogun  ve kosusmali bir  donem gecirdim. Durum boyle olunca  ben  yine  birsey  yazamadim.  Ama  bol bol  resimler cektim ,yeni  tarifler aldim ve hepsini  sira ile paylasicam sizlerle.
Bu  guzel  sofrayi  sevgili  arkadasimiz  Aylin  hazirladi.  Fotograf  makinasinin  bozulacagi  tutu  o yuzden  fazla  resim  yayinlayamiyorum  uzgunum.  Sofra  harikaydi , neler  yoktuki  .
Aylin cim  buradan da  birkez  daha  sana  cok tesekkur ederim.
Yakisikli ogullarinla  nice guzel sofralarda  olman  dilegimle.  Ellerine  saglik  gonlune saglik .
Cok  guzel  keyifli birgun gecirdik  sayende  cok  tesekkur ederiz.


Hi to all my blogger friends, followers, brothers and sisters and everyone, who has warm feelings in the heart. Due to my husbands’ surgery, and Christmas, and New Year Day, I was quite busy. I could not post anything. But I took lots of pictures and got recipes, and I’ll share them one by one.

This beautiful table was prepared my dear friend Aylin. My camera had a problem on that day so I don’t have many pictures of it. It was excellent, all anything you wanted. Aylin, I would like to pass my sincere thanks one more time. I wish you many more of those tables with your handsome boys. We had spectacular day due to your efforts and thank you again.

Sofranin  bir baska resmi ./ ANOTHER PICTURE OF THE TABLE


Firinda  tavuk baget/ BAKED CHICKEN DRUMS


Firinda  mantarli  tazefasulye ./ GREEN BEANS WITH MUSHROOM

Ilk  firsatta  tarifini  yazicam cok  guzeldi./ I'LL SHARE THE RECIPE IN FIRST CHANCE
 Mifloy  den peynirli  borek/ CHEES PASTRY WITH FILO

Karisik  salata/MIXED SALAD

Bunlar  sadece  resimlerini  ceke bildiklerim.
Birde  resimlerini  cekemediklerim  vardi, Ic  pilav, patates salatasi , bugday  salatasi, fava  patates puresi ,zeytinyagli  barbunya ve firinda  somon .
Arkadasimin ellerine saglik  yeniden.


There were the only ones I could pictured. There were other dishes which I could not. Pilaf, potato salad, potato puree, fava, kidney bean in olive oil, and baked salmon. Thank you again.

Bu  kose de tatli  kosemizdi.
Cukulatali  rulo ekmek, Revani, cukulatali  erik  ve  sam bali .
Tarifleri   paylasicam  sizlerle  ..


This was desert corner.
Rolled bread in chocolate, special Turkish desert named REVANI,and  SAMBALI, plum in chocolate,
I'll share the recipes later.