Ekmekten ziyade pizamsiz ince bir ekmek.
Misafir gelen cocuklari sevindirmek icin yapmistim. Gercekten cok hoslarina gittigini soylediler.
Hata evlerien giderken geri kalanini goturduler. Nasil sevindim o cocuklarin sevincini gorunce.
Artan hamurdan oylesine ortaya cikan bu Gulyabani surakli ekmek herkesi sevindirdi.
2 Ekmek hamuru ( 600 gr)
4 Corba kasigi tereyag
1,2 Cay bardagi sut
2 Corba kasigi domates salcasi
2 Kalin dilim sucuk
Biraz corek otucut small piece from dough
Biraz karabiber
1 yumurta
Once satin aldigimiz mayali hamurumuzu oda sicagliginda kabartalim.
Kabaran hamura, oda sicakligindaki tereyag ve sut ile yoguralim.
Yeniden kabaran hamuru yagli tezgaha alalim. Hamurudan kucuk bir beze alalim. Geri kalan hamuru oklava ole uzun bir silindir sekli verelim.
Silindir seklindeki hamurun alt kismi daha genis ust kismi daha sivri olursa iyi olur.
Ust kisimdaki sivri ucu 4 parmak kadar one dogru bukelim .
Hamurun alt kismindan 1 karis kadar seritler keselim ve sakal seklinde seritleri kiviralim .
Sucuklari gozlerini olusturacka sekilde yerlestirelim. Karabiber taneleri ile agiz sekli verelim
Biber yada pastirma ile kas yapalim. Ucgen seklindeki peynirdan burun sekli olurturalim.
Gulyabani nin yuzune yumurta sarisi surelim
Ayirdigimiz kucuk beze hamuru ince serik halinde buyuk alin tarafina yerlestirelim
Uzerine yumruta beyazi surup corek otu serpelim . Sapka formati verdigimiz yere salcayi surelim ( Salca sert ise suyla acin )
Artan Yumurta beyazini sakalina surelim.
20 dakika oda sicakliginda dinlendirelim.
Onceden isinmis firinda yaklasik 20 dakika pisirelim.
Cosuklari sevindirmek isterseniz bu Gulyabani pizasini deneyin .
Hello dear followers. Today I would like to share bread
recipe again. It is rather pizza style thin bread. I prepared this to make
happy my evening visitors who are seven and ten years old. They told me that it
was so fun. They took the rest with them back to home. I was so happy to see them like that. This was
a left over dough and it made everyone happy.
2 ea bread dough (1.5 lb)
4 tbsp. butter
2 cup milk
2 tbsp. tomato paste
2 thick slice Turkish sausage
Pinch of nigella seeds
Pinch of black pepper seeds
1 egg
First allow the dough rise in room temperature. Mix well the
dough with milk and butter. Allow to rest for another rise. Move the dough onto
counter or wide cutting board. Cut a small piece and set aside. Thin the rest
with roller to give a round shape. Shape the bottom more v shape and top wider.
Roll back the top side around 2”. Cut the bottom vertically to make the beard
and curly them. Make eyes with sausage pieces and mouth with pepper seeds. Make
eyebrow with green pepper or cheese. Cut a pice of cheese in triangle shape to
make the nose. Spread the egg yolk onto face.
Make roll from the set aside dough and put on over eyebrows
to shape forehead. Sprinkle the nigella seeds and spread tomato paste to finish
the head.
Spread the remaining egg white onto beard area. Let it rest
another 20 minutes in room temperature. Cook in pre-heat oven (350F) 20
If you would like to make kids happy, I strongly recommend cooking
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Cafe Malzemeleri
Endüstriyel Mutfak
Etsiz Çiğ Köfte
Patatesli Börek
Biber Dolması
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